Source code for btgym.dataserver

# Copyright (C) 2017 Andrew Muzikin
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import multiprocessing
import copy
import zmq
import datetime

from .datafeed import DataSampleConfig

[docs]class BTgymDataFeedServer(multiprocessing.Process): """ Data provider server class. Enables efficient data sampling for asynchronous multiply BTgym environments execution. Manages global back-testing time and broadcast messages. """ process = None dataset_stat = None def __init__(self, dataset=None, network_address=None, log_level=None, task=0): """ Configures data server instance. Args: dataset: data domain instance; network_address: bind to. log_level: int, logbook.level task: id """ super(BTgymDataFeedServer, self).__init__() self.log_level = log_level self.task = task self.log = None self.local_step = 0 self.dataset = dataset self.network_address = network_address self.default_sample_config = copy.deepcopy(DataSampleConfig) self.broadcast_message = None self.debug_pre_sample_fails = 0 self.debug_pre_sample_attempts = 0 # self.global_timestamp = 0
[docs] def get_data(self, sample_config=None): """ Get Trial sample according to parameters received. If no parameters being passed - makes sample with default parameters. Args: sample_config: sampling parameters configuration dictionary Returns: sample: if `sample_params` arg has been passed and dataset is ready None: otherwise """ if self.dataset.is_ready: if sample_config is not None: # We do not allow configuration timestamps which point earlier than current global_timestamp; # if config timestamp points later - it is ok because global time will be shifted accordingly after # [traget test] sample will get into work. if sample_config['timestamp'] is None: sample_config['timestamp'] = 0 # If config timestamp is outdated - refresh with latest: if sample_config['timestamp'] < self.dataset.global_timestamp: sample_config['timestamp'] = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset.global_timestamp) self.log.debug('Sampling with params: {}'.format(sample_config)) sample = self.dataset.sample(**sample_config) else: self.default_sample_config['timestamp'] = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset.global_timestamp) self.log.debug('Sampling with default params: {}'.format(self.default_sample_config)) sample = self.dataset.sample(**self.default_sample_config) self.local_step += 1 else: # Dataset not ready, make dummy: sample = None return sample
[docs] def run(self): """ Server process runtime body. """ # Logging: from logbook import Logger, StreamHandler, WARNING import sys StreamHandler(sys.stdout).push_application() if self.log_level is None: self.log_level = WARNING self.log = Logger('BTgymDataServer_{}'.format(self.task), level=self.log_level) self.process = multiprocessing.current_process()'PID: {}'.format( # Set up a comm. channel for server as ZMQ socket: context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) socket.bind(self.network_address) # Actually load data to BTgymDataset instance, will reset it later on: try: assert not except (AssertionError, AttributeError) as e: self.dataset.read_csv() # Describe dataset: self.dataset_stat = self.dataset.describe() # Main loop: while True: # Stick here until receive any request: service_input = socket.recv_pyobj() self.log.debug('Received <{}>'.format(service_input)) if 'ctrl' in service_input: # It's time to exit: if service_input['ctrl'] == '_stop': # Server shutdown logic: # send last run statistic, release comm channel and exit: message = {'ctrl': 'Exiting.'} socket.send_pyobj(message) socket.close() context.destroy() return None # Reset datafeed: elif service_input['ctrl'] == '_reset_data': try: kwargs = service_input['kwargs'] except KeyError: kwargs = {} self.dataset.reset(**kwargs) # self.global_timestamp = self.dataset.global_timestamp self.log.notice( 'Initial global_time set to: {} / stamp: {}'. format( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dataset.global_timestamp), self.dataset.global_timestamp ) ) message = {'ctrl': 'Reset with kwargs: {}'.format(kwargs)} self.log.debug('Data_is_ready: {}'.format(self.dataset.is_ready)) socket.send_pyobj(message) self.local_step = 0 # Send dataset sample: elif service_input['ctrl'] == '_get_data': if self.dataset.is_ready: sample = self.get_data(sample_config=service_input['kwargs']) message = 'Sending sample_#{}.'.format(self.local_step) self.log.debug(message) socket.send_pyobj( { 'sample': sample, 'stat': self.dataset_stat, 'origin': 'data_server', 'timestamp': self.dataset.global_timestamp, } ) else: message = {'ctrl': 'Dataset not ready, waiting for control key <_reset_data>'} self.log.debug('Sent: ' + str(message)) socket.send_pyobj(message) # pairs any other input # Send dataset statisitc: elif service_input['ctrl'] == '_get_info': message = 'Sending info for #{}.'.format(self.local_step) self.log.debug(message) # Compose response: info_dict = dict( dataset_stat=self.dataset_stat, dataset_columns=list(self.dataset.names),, dataset_is_ready=self.dataset.is_ready, data_names=self.dataset.data_names ) socket.send_pyobj(info_dict) # Set global time: elif service_input['ctrl'] == '_set_broadcast_message': if self.dataset.global_timestamp != 0 and self.dataset.global_timestamp > service_input['timestamp']: message = 'Moving back in time not supported! ' +\ 'Current global_time: {}, '.\ format(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dataset.global_timestamp)) +\ 'attempt to set: {}; global_time and broadcast message not set.'.\ format(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(service_input['timestamp'])) +\ 'Hint: check sampling logic consistency.' else: self.dataset.global_timestamp = service_input['timestamp'] self.broadcast_message = service_input['broadcast_message'] message = 'global_time set to: {} / stamp: {}'.\ format( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.dataset.global_timestamp), self.dataset.global_timestamp ) socket.send_pyobj(message) self.log.debug(message) elif service_input['ctrl'] == '_get_global_time': # Tell time: message = {'timestamp': self.dataset.global_timestamp} socket.send_pyobj(message) elif service_input['ctrl'] == '_get_broadcast_message': # Tell: message = { 'timestamp': self.dataset.global_timestamp, 'broadcast_message': self.broadcast_message, } socket.send_pyobj(message) else: # ignore any other input # NOTE: response dictionary must include 'ctrl' key message = { 'ctrl': 'waiting for control keys: <_reset_data>, <_get_data>, ' + '<_get_info>, <_stop>, <_get_global_time>, <_get_broadcast_message>' } self.log.debug('Sent: ' + str(message)) socket.send_pyobj(message) # pairs any other input else: message = {'ctrl': 'No <ctrl> key received, got:\n{}'.format(service_input)} self.log.debug(str(message)) socket.send_pyobj(message) # pairs input