Source code for btgym.algorithms.rollout

# Original A3C code comes from OpenAI repository under MIT licence:
# Papers:

import numpy as np

from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import LSTMStateTuple
from btgym.algorithms.math_utils import discount
from btgym.algorithms.utils import batch_pad

# Info:
ExperienceConfig = ['position', 'state', 'action', 'reward', 'value', 'terminal', 'r', 'context',
                    'last_action_reward', 'pixel_change']

[docs]def make_data_getter(queue): """ Data stream getter constructor. Args: queue: instance of `Queue` class to get rollouts from. Returns: callable, returning dictionary of data. """ def pull_rollout_from_queue(**kwargs): return queue.get(timeout=600.0) return pull_rollout_from_queue
[docs]class Rollout(dict): """ Experience rollout as [nested] dictionary of lists of ndarrays, tuples and rnn states. """ def __init__(self): super(Rollout, self).__init__() self.size = 0
[docs] def add(self, values, _struct=None): """ Adds single experience frame to rollout. Args: values: [nested] dictionary of values. """ if _struct is None: # Top level: _struct = self self.size += 1 top = True else: top = False try: if isinstance(values, dict): for key, value in values.items(): if key not in _struct.keys(): _struct[key] = {} _struct[key] = self.add(value, _struct[key]) elif isinstance(values, tuple): if not isinstance(_struct, tuple): _struct = ['empty' for entry in values] _struct = tuple([self.add(*pair) for pair in zip(values, _struct)]) elif isinstance(values, LSTMStateTuple): if not isinstance(_struct, LSTMStateTuple): _struct = LSTMStateTuple(0, 0) c = self.add(values[0], _struct[0]) h = self.add(values[1], _struct[1]) _struct = LSTMStateTuple(c, h) else: if isinstance(_struct, list): _struct += [values] else: _struct = [values] except: print('values:\n', values) print('_struct:\n', _struct) raise RuntimeError if not top: return _struct
[docs] def add_memory_sample(self, sample): """ Given replay memory sample as list of experience-dictionaries of `length`, converts it to rollout of same `length`. """ for frame in sample: self.add(frame)
[docs] def process(self, gamma, gae_lambda=1.0, size=None, time_flat=False): """ Converts single-trajectory rollout of experiences to dictionary of ready-to-feed arrays. Computes rollout returns and the advantages. Pads with zeroes to desired length, if size arg is given. Args: gamma: discount factor gae_lambda: GAE lambda size: if given and time_flat=False, pads outputs with zeroes along `time' dim. to exact 'size'. time_flat: reduce time dimension to 1 step by stacking all experiences along batch dimension. Returns: batch as [nested] dictionary of np.arrays, tuples and LSTMStateTuples. of size: [1, time_size, depth] or [1, size, depth] if not time_flatten and `size` is not/given, with single `context` entry for entire trajectory, i.e. of size [1, context_depth]; [batch_size, 1, depth], if time_flatten, with batch_size = time_size and `context` entry for every experience frame, i.e. of size [batch_size, context_depth]. """ # self._check_it() batch = dict() for key in self.keys() - {'context', 'reward', 'r', 'value', 'position'}: batch[key] = self.as_array(self[key]) if time_flat: batch['context'] = self.as_array(self['context'], squeeze_axis=1) # LSTM state for every frame else: batch['context'] = self.get_frame(0)['context'] # just get rollout initial LSTM state #print('batch_context:') #self._check_it(batch['context']) # Total accumulated empirical return: rewards = np.asarray(self['reward']) rollout_r = self['r'][-1][0] # bootstrapped V_next or 0 if terminal vpred_t = np.asarray(self['value'] + [rollout_r]) rewards_plus_v = np.asarray(self['reward'] + [rollout_r]) batch['r'] = discount(rewards_plus_v, gamma)[:-1] # This formula for the advantage is (16) from "Generalized Advantage Estimation" paper: # delta_t = rewards + gamma * vpred_t[1:] - vpred_t[:-1] batch['advantage'] = discount(delta_t, gamma * gae_lambda) # Shape it out: if time_flat: batch['batch_size'] = batch['advantage'].shape[0] # time length turned batch size batch['time_steps'] = np.ones(batch['batch_size']) else: batch['time_steps'] = batch['advantage'].shape[0] # real non-padded time length batch['batch_size'] = 1 # want rollout as a trajectory if size is not None and not time_flat and batch['advantage'].shape[0] != size: # Want all batches to be exact size for further batch stacking: batch = batch_pad(batch, to_size=size) return batch
[docs] def process_rp(self, reward_threshold=0.1): """ Processes rollout process()-alike and estimates reward prediction target for first n-1 frames. Args: reward_threshold: reward values such as |r|> reward_threshold are classified as neg. or pos. Returns: Processed batch with size reduced by one and with extra `rp_target` key holding one hot encodings for classes {zero, positive, negative}. """ # Remove last frame: last_frame = self.pop_frame(-1) batch = self.process(gamma=1) # Make one hot vector for target rewards (i.e. reward taken from last of sampled frames): r = last_frame['reward'] rp_t = np.zeros(3) if r > reward_threshold: rp_t[1] = 1.0 # positive [010] elif r < - reward_threshold: rp_t[2] = 1.0 # negative [001] else: rp_t[0] = 1.0 # zero [100] batch['rp_target'] = rp_t[None,...] batch['time_steps'] = batch['advantage'].shape[0] # e.g -1 of original return batch
[docs] def get_frame(self, idx, _struct=None): """ Extracts single experience from rollout. Args: idx: experience position Returns: frame as [nested] dictionary """ # No idx range checks here! if _struct is None: _struct = self if isinstance(_struct, dict) or type(_struct) == type(self): frame = {} for key, value in _struct.items(): frame[key] = self.get_frame(idx, value) return frame elif isinstance(_struct, tuple): return tuple([self.get_frame(idx, value) for value in _struct]) elif isinstance(_struct, LSTMStateTuple): return LSTMStateTuple(self.get_frame(idx, _struct[0]), self.get_frame(idx, _struct[1])) else: return _struct[idx]
[docs] def pop_frame(self, idx, _struct=None): """ Pops single experience from rollout. Args: idx: experience position Returns: frame as [nested] dictionary """ # No idx range checks here! if _struct is None: _struct = self if isinstance(_struct, dict) or type(_struct) == type(self): frame = {} for key, value in _struct.items(): frame[key] = self.pop_frame(idx, value) return frame elif isinstance(_struct, tuple): return tuple([self.pop_frame(idx, value) for value in _struct]) elif isinstance(_struct, LSTMStateTuple): return LSTMStateTuple(self.pop_frame(idx, _struct[0]), self.pop_frame(idx, _struct[1])) else: return _struct.pop(idx)
def as_array(self, struct, squeeze_axis=None): if isinstance(struct, dict): out = {} for key, value in struct.items(): out[key] = self.as_array(value, squeeze_axis) return out elif isinstance(struct, tuple): return tuple([self.as_array(value, squeeze_axis) for value in struct]) elif isinstance(struct, LSTMStateTuple): return LSTMStateTuple(self.as_array(struct[0], squeeze_axis), self.as_array(struct[1], squeeze_axis)) else: if squeeze_axis is not None: return np.squeeze(np.asarray(struct), axis=squeeze_axis) else: return np.asarray(struct) def _check_it(self, _struct=None): if _struct is None: _struct = self if type(_struct) == dict or type(_struct) == type(self): for key, value in _struct.items(): print(key, ':') self._check_it(_struct=value) elif type(_struct) == tuple or type(_struct) == list: print('tuple/list:') for value in _struct: self._check_it(_struct=value) else: try: print('length: {}, type: {}, shape of element: {}\n'.format(len(_struct), type(_struct[0]), _struct[0].shape)) except: print('length: {}, type: {}\n'.format(len(_struct), type(_struct[0])))