Source code for btgym.algorithms.policy.base

# Asynchronous implementation of a3c/ppo algorithm.
# paper:
# Based on PPO-SGD code from OpenAI `Baselines` repository under MIT licence:
# Async. framework code comes from OpenAI repository under MIT licence:

from gym.spaces import Discrete, Dict

from btgym.algorithms.nn.networks import *
from btgym.algorithms.utils import *
from btgym.algorithms.math_utils import sample_dp, softmax
from btgym.datafeed.base import EnvResetConfig
from btgym.spaces import DictSpace, ActionDictSpace
from gym.spaces import Discrete

[docs]class BaseAacPolicy(object): """ Base advantage actor-critic Convolution-LSTM policy estimator with auxiliary control tasks for discrete or nested discrete action spaces. Papers: """ def __init__(self, ob_space, ac_space, rp_sequence_size, lstm_class=rnn.BasicLSTMCell, lstm_layers=(256,), action_dp_alpha=200.0, aux_estimate=False, **kwargs): """ Defines [partially shared] on/off-policy networks for estimating action-logits, value function, reward and state 'pixel_change' predictions. Expects multi-modal observation as array of shape `ob_space`. Args: ob_space: instance of btgym.spaces.DictSpace ac_space: instance of btgym.spaces.ActionDictSpace rp_sequence_size: reward prediction sample length lstm_class: tf.nn.lstm class lstm_layers: tuple of LSTM layers sizes aux_estimate: bool, if True - add auxiliary tasks estimations to self.callbacks dictionary time_flat: bool, if True - use static rnn, dynamic otherwise **kwargs not used """ assert isinstance(ob_space, DictSpace), \ 'Expected observation space be instance of btgym.spaces.DictSpace, got: {}'.format(ob_space) self.ob_space = ob_space assert isinstance(ac_space, ActionDictSpace), \ 'Expected action space be instance of btgym.spaces.ActionDictSpace, got: {}'.format(ac_space) assert ac_space.base_space == Discrete, \ 'Base policy restricted to gym.spaces.Discrete base action spaces, got: {}'.format(ac_space.base_space) self.ac_space = ac_space self.rp_sequence_size = rp_sequence_size self.lstm_class = lstm_class self.lstm_layers = lstm_layers self.action_dp_alpha = action_dp_alpha self.aux_estimate = aux_estimate self.callback = {} # Placeholders for obs. state input: self.on_state_in = nested_placeholders(self.ob_space.shape, batch_dim=None, name='on_policy_state_in') self.off_state_in = nested_placeholders(self.ob_space.shape, batch_dim=None, name='off_policy_state_in_pl') self.rp_state_in = nested_placeholders(self.ob_space.shape, batch_dim=None, name='rp_state_in') # Placeholders for previous step action[multi-categorical vector encoding] and reward [scalar]: self.on_last_a_in = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.ac_space.encoded_depth], name='on_policy_last_action_in_pl' ) self.on_last_reward_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None], name='on_policy_last_reward_in_pl') self.off_last_a_in = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.ac_space.encoded_depth], name='off_policy_last_action_in_pl' ) self.off_last_reward_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None], name='off_policy_last_reward_in_pl') # Placeholders for rnn batch and time-step dimensions: self.on_batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='on_policy_batch_size') self.on_time_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='on_policy_sequence_size') self.off_batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='off_policy_batch_size') self.off_time_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='off_policy_sequence_size') try: if self.train_phase is not None: pass except AttributeError: self.train_phase = tf.placeholder_with_default( tf.constant(False, dtype=tf.bool), shape=(), name='train_phase_flag_pl' ) # Base on-policy AAC network: # Conv. layers: on_aac_x = conv_2d_network(self.on_state_in['external'], self.ob_space.shape['external'], ac_space, **kwargs) # Reshape rnn inputs for batch training as [rnn_batch_dim, rnn_time_dim, flattened_depth]: x_shape_dynamic = tf.shape(on_aac_x) max_seq_len = tf.cast(x_shape_dynamic[0] / self.on_batch_size, tf.int32) x_shape_static = on_aac_x.get_shape().as_list() on_last_action_in = tf.reshape( self.on_last_a_in, [self.on_batch_size, max_seq_len, self.ac_space.encoded_depth] ) on_r_in = tf.reshape(self.on_last_reward_in, [self.on_batch_size, max_seq_len, 1]) on_aac_x = tf.reshape( on_aac_x, [self.on_batch_size, max_seq_len,[1:])]) # print('*** POLICY DEBUG ***') # print('self.on_last_a_in :', self.on_last_a_in) # print('on_last_action_in: ', on_last_action_in) # print('on_r_in: ', on_r_in) # print('on_aac_x: ', on_aac_x) # Feed last action, reward [, internal obs. state] into LSTM along with external state features: on_stage2_input = [on_aac_x, on_last_action_in, on_r_in] if 'internal' in list(self.on_state_in.keys()): x_int_shape_static = self.on_state_in['internal'].get_shape().as_list() x_int = tf.reshape( self.on_state_in['internal'], [self.on_batch_size, max_seq_len,[1:])] ) on_stage2_input.append(x_int) on_aac_x = tf.concat(on_stage2_input, axis=-1) # print('on_stage2_input->on_aac_x: ', on_aac_x) # LSTM layer takes conv. features and concatenated last action_reward tensor: [on_x_lstm_out, self.on_lstm_init_state, self.on_lstm_state_out, self.on_lstm_state_pl_flatten] =\ lstm_network( x=on_aac_x, lstm_sequence_length=self.on_time_length, lstm_class=lstm_class, lstm_layers=lstm_layers, ) # Reshape back to [batch, flattened_depth], where batch = rnn_batch_dim * rnn_time_dim: x_shape_static = on_x_lstm_out.get_shape().as_list() on_x_lstm_out = tf.reshape(on_x_lstm_out, [x_shape_dynamic[0], x_shape_static[-1]]) # Aac policy and value outputs and action-sampling function: [self.on_logits, self.on_vf, self.on_sample] = dense_aac_network(on_x_lstm_out, self.ac_space.one_hot_depth) # Off-policy AAC network (shared): off_aac_x = conv_2d_network(self.off_state_in['external'], self.ob_space.shape['external'], ac_space, reuse=True, **kwargs) # Reshape rnn inputs for batch training as [rnn_batch_dim, rnn_time_dim, flattened_depth]: x_shape_dynamic = tf.shape(off_aac_x) max_seq_len = tf.cast(x_shape_dynamic[0] / self.off_batch_size, tf.int32) x_shape_static = off_aac_x.get_shape().as_list() off_action_in = tf.reshape( self.off_last_a_in, [self.off_batch_size, max_seq_len, self.ac_space.encoded_depth] ) off_r_in = tf.reshape(self.off_last_reward_in, [self.off_batch_size, max_seq_len, 1]) # reward is scalar off_aac_x = tf.reshape( off_aac_x, [self.off_batch_size, max_seq_len,[1:])]) off_stage2_input = [off_aac_x, off_action_in, off_r_in] if 'internal' in list(self.off_state_in.keys()): x_int_shape_static = self.off_state_in['internal'].get_shape().as_list() off_x_int = tf.reshape( self.off_state_in['internal'], [self.off_batch_size, max_seq_len,[1:])] ) off_stage2_input.append(off_x_int) off_aac_x = tf.concat(off_stage2_input, axis=-1) [off_x_lstm_out, _, _, self.off_lstm_state_pl_flatten] =\ lstm_network(off_aac_x, self.off_time_length, lstm_class, lstm_layers, reuse=True) # Reshape back to [batch, flattened_depth], where batch = rnn_batch_dim * rnn_time_dim: x_shape_static = off_x_lstm_out.get_shape().as_list() off_x_lstm_out = tf.reshape(off_x_lstm_out, [x_shape_dynamic[0], x_shape_static[-1]]) # Off policy dense: [self.off_logits, self.off_vf, _] = dense_aac_network(off_x_lstm_out, self.ac_space.one_hot_depth, reuse=True) # Aux1: `Pixel control` network: # Define pixels-change estimation function: # Yes, it rather env-specific but for atari case it is handy to do it here, see self.get_pc_target(): [self.pc_change_state_in, self.pc_change_last_state_in, self.pc_target] =\ pixel_change_2d_estimator(self.ob_space.shape['external'], **kwargs) self.pc_batch_size = self.off_batch_size self.pc_time_length = self.off_time_length self.pc_state_in = self.off_state_in #self.pc_a_r_in = self.off_last_action_in self.pc_last_a_in = self.off_last_a_in self.pc_last_reward_in = self.off_last_reward_in self.pc_lstm_state_pl_flatten = self.off_lstm_state_pl_flatten # Shared conv and lstm nets, same off-policy batch: pc_x = off_x_lstm_out # PC duelling Q-network, outputs [None, 20, 20, ac_size] Q-features tensor: # Restricted to single action space: act_space = self.ac_space.one_hot_depth self.pc_q = duelling_pc_network(pc_x, act_space, **kwargs) # Aux2: `Value function replay` network: # VR network is fully shared with ppo network but with `value` only output: # and has same off-policy batch pass with off_ppo network: self.vr_batch_size = self.off_batch_size self.vr_time_length = self.off_time_length self.vr_state_in = self.off_state_in #self.vr_a_r_in = self.off_last_action_in self.vr_last_a_in = self.off_last_a_in self.vr_last_reward_in = self.off_last_reward_in self.vr_lstm_state_pl_flatten = self.off_lstm_state_pl_flatten self.vr_value = self.off_vf # Aux3: `Reward prediction` network: self.rp_batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='rp_batch_size') # Shared conv. output: rp_x = conv_2d_network(self.rp_state_in['external'], self.ob_space.shape['external'], ac_space, reuse=True, **kwargs) # Flatten batch-wise: rp_x_shape_static = rp_x.get_shape().as_list() rp_x = tf.reshape(rp_x, [self.rp_batch_size,[1:]) * (self.rp_sequence_size-1)]) # RP output: self.rp_logits = dense_rp_network(rp_x) # Batch-norm related : self.update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) # Add moving averages to save list: moving_var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.get_variable_scope().name + '.*moving.*') renorm_var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.get_variable_scope().name + '.*renorm.*') # What to save: self.var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.get_variable_scope().name) self.var_list += moving_var_list + renorm_var_list # Callbacks: if self.aux_estimate: self.callback['pixel_change'] = self.get_pc_target
[docs] def get_initial_features(self, **kwargs): """ Returns initial context. Returns: LSTM zero-state tuple. """ # TODO: rework as in: AacStackedMetaPolicy --> base runner, verbose runner; synchro_runner ok sess = tf.get_default_session() return
[docs] def act(self, observation, lstm_state, last_action, last_reward, deterministic=False): """ Emits action. Args: observation: dictionary containing single observation lstm_state: lstm context value last_action: action value from previous step last_reward: reward value previous step deterministic: bool, it True - act deterministically, use random sampling otherwise (default); effective for discrete action sapce only (TODO: continious) Returns: Action as dictionary of several action encodings, actions logits, V-fn value, output RNN state """ try: sess = tf.get_default_session() feeder = {pl: value for pl, value in zip(self.on_lstm_state_pl_flatten, flatten_nested(lstm_state))} feeder.update(feed_dict_from_nested(self.on_state_in, observation, expand_batch=True)) feeder.update( { self.on_last_a_in: last_action, self.on_last_reward_in: last_reward, self.on_batch_size: 1, self.on_time_length: 1, self.train_phase: False } ) logits, value, context =[self.on_logits, self.on_vf, self.on_lstm_state_out], feeder) logits = logits[0, ...] if self.ac_space.is_discrete: if deterministic: sample = softmax(logits) else: # Use multinomial to get sample (discrete): sample = np.random.multinomial(1, softmax(logits)) # print('ploicy_determ: {}, logits: {}, sample: {}'.format(deterministic, logits, sample)) sample = self.ac_space._cat_to_vec(np.argmax(sample)) # print('policy_sample_vector: ', sample) else: # Use DP to get sample (continuous): sample = sample_dp(logits, alpha=self.action_dp_alpha) # Get all needed action encodings: action = self.ac_space._vec_to_action(sample) one_hot = self.ac_space._vec_to_one_hot(sample) action_pack = { 'environment': action, 'encoded': self.ac_space.encode(action), 'one_hot': one_hot, } # print('action_pack: ', action_pack) except Exception as e: print(e) raise e return action_pack, logits, value, context
[docs] def get_value(self, observation, lstm_state, last_action, last_reward): """ Estimates policy V-function. Args: observation: single observation value lstm_state: lstm context value last_action: action value from previous step last_reward: reward value from previous step Returns: V-function value """ sess = tf.get_default_session() feeder = feed_dict_rnn_context(self.on_lstm_state_pl_flatten, lstm_state) feeder.update(feed_dict_from_nested(self.on_state_in, observation, expand_batch=True)) feeder.update( { self.on_last_a_in: last_action, self.on_last_reward_in: last_reward, self.on_batch_size: 1, self.on_time_length: 1, self.train_phase: False } ) return, feeder)[0]
[docs] def get_pc_target(self, state, last_state, **kwargs): """ Estimates pixel-control task target. Args: state: single observation value last_state: single observation value **kwargs: not used Returns: Estimated absolute difference between two subsampled states. """ sess = tf.get_default_session() feeder = {self.pc_change_state_in: state['external'], self.pc_change_last_state_in: last_state['external']} return, feeder)[0,...,0]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sample_config(*args, **kwargs): """ Dummy implementation. Returns: default data sample configuration dictionary `btgym.datafeed.base.EnvResetConfig` """ return EnvResetConfig
[docs]class Aac1dPolicy(BaseAacPolicy): """ AAC policy for one-dimensional signal obs. state. """ def __init__(self, ob_space, ac_space, rp_sequence_size, lstm_class=rnn.BasicLSTMCell, lstm_layers=(256,), action_dp_alpha=200.0, aux_estimate=True, **kwargs): """ Defines [partially shared] on/off-policy networks for estimating action-logits, value function, reward and state 'pixel_change' predictions. Expects bi-modal observation as dict: `external`, `internal`. Args: ob_space: dictionary of observation state shapes ac_space: discrete action space shape (length) rp_sequence_size: reward prediction sample length lstm_class: tf.nn.lstm class lstm_layers: tuple of LSTM layers sizes aux_estimate: (bool), if True - add auxiliary tasks estimations to self.callbacks dictionary. **kwargs not used """ kwargs.update( dict( conv_2d_filter_size=[3, 1], conv_2d_stride=[2, 1], pc_estimator_stride=[2, 1], duell_pc_x_inner_shape=(6, 1, 32), # [6,3,32] if swapping W-C dims duell_pc_filter_size=(4, 1), duell_pc_stride=(2, 1), ) ) super(Aac1dPolicy, self).__init__( ob_space, ac_space, rp_sequence_size, lstm_class, lstm_layers, action_dp_alpha, aux_estimate, **kwargs )