Source code for btgym.algorithms.envs

# Original code is taken from OpenAI repository under MIT licence:

import numpy as np
import cv2
import gym
from gym import spaces
from btgym import DictSpace, ActionDictSpace

def _process_frame42(frame):
    frame = frame[34:34+160, :160]
    # Resize by half, then down to 42x42 (essentially mipmapping). If
    # we resize directly we lose pixels that, when mapped to 42x42,
    # aren't close enough to the pixel boundary.
    frame = cv2.resize(frame, (80, 80))
    frame = cv2.resize(frame, (42, 42))
    frame = frame.mean(2)
    frame = frame.astype(np.float32)
    frame *= (1.0 / 255.0)
    frame = np.reshape(frame, [42, 42, 1])
    return frame

[docs]class AtariRescale42x42(gym.ObservationWrapper): """ Gym wrapper, pipes Atari into BTgym algorithms, as later expect observations to be DictSpace. Makes Atari environment return state as dictionary with single key 'external' holding normalized in [0,1] grayscale 42x42 visual output. """ # TODO: INPRoGRESS: dict observation space, include metadata etc. def __init__(self, env_id=None): """ Args: env_id: conventional Gym id. """ assert "." not in env_id # universe environments have dots in names. env = gym.make(env_id) super(AtariRescale42x42, self).__init__(env) self.observation_space = DictSpace( {'external': spaces.Box(0.0, 1.0, [42, 42, 1], dtype=np.float32)} ) self.asset_names = ['atari_player'] num_actions = self.action_space.n self.action_space = ActionDictSpace( base_actions=list(np.arange(num_actions)), assets=self.asset_names ) def observation(self, observation): return {'external': _process_frame42(observation)} def get_initial_action(self): return {asset: 0 for asset in self.asset_names} def step(self, action): # TODO: fix it action = action[self.asset_names[0]] observation, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) reward = np.asarray(reward) return self.observation(observation), reward, done, info